Passaic, NJ Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents often result in difficult and traumatic experiences for the victims of those accidents.  Whether you were a victim of a fender bender or a catastrophic collision, you may benefit from compensation if another driver caused the accident or collision.

Passaic NJ Car Accident LawyerHowever, catastrophic car accident lawyers can significantly change your lifestyle because of injuries and unplanned debts. Car laws have provisions that support accident victims so that they can get back on their feet financially, physically and emotionally.  You will need a car accident lawyer in applying these laws to your greatest benefit.


Negligent and At-fault Drivers

Seven children and two adults were injured in a car crash at McLean Boulevard in November of 2018.  Another accident involving multiple vehicles in a Passaic County gas station killed three people in   February of 2019.  The first thing an investigator would look at is the driver who caused the above accidents. Victims will have to prove that the negligence of a certain driver lead to their injuries too.

An investigation will be carried out by your lawyer in the accident scene. Your lawyer will also interview witnesses, get hold of police reports, and work with accident reconstructionists to determine the at-fault driver.  The actions of the at-fault driver that may have caused the accident include:

  • Speeding
  • Driving while-texting or using the phone
  • Failure to stop at a red-light and breaking of other traffic rules
  • Failure to obey right-of way
  • Failure to compensate for dangerous weather conditions
  • Driving  while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Driving recklessly simply means that the driver drove with conscious disregard for the possible consequences of their actions.  Reckless driving can result from road rage, which is common when traffic snarl ups start to ease. Avoid confrontation with road-rage drivers for your own safety.

Why You Need To Get Hold of A Passaic Lawyer

Your lawyer’s main goal is to fight for your rights to get compensated for injuries or property loss you experienced because of the actions of a negligent driver.  Other goals for your lawyer it to ensure:

  • Your financial damages for pain and suffering are resolved
  • You recoup your lost wages claim because your injuries prevented you from working
  • you file all the necessary documents so that your medical expenses are paid
  • Recoup your property damage claims from your vehicle accident
  • You prepare your insurance claims form for your injury without making errors

Other service areas…

  1. Cherry Hill, NJ Accident Lawyer
  2. Newark, NJ
  3. Jersey City Car Wreck Lawyers
  4. Edison, NJ Auto Accident Attorney
  5. Hackensack, NJ Car Accident Lawyers
  6. New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers

See also…

When Auto Accidents Are Not Caused By Drivers

Sometimes a car crash is caused by something beyond your control. It could happen if your brakes fail or your tires burst.  In such situations, you will get protection from the law of products liability. Here your lawyer will assist you in filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer or distributor of the product.  If it was mechanic that caused a part of your vehicle to fail then you can sue the employer of the mechanic for compensation. Other things that can cause accidents include poorly maintained roads, objects in the middle of the road, buildings reflecting light onto motorists and so on. Your lawyer will answer all your questions and inform you about the legal options you have.